Amelie Hollier Np Review Test Questions and Answers

How I passed the FNP certification exam

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I take a confession to make. I didn't really offset studying for the Nurse Practitioner lath exam until after graduation. And even later graduation I found it hard to get the motivation to study. I mean I had been jumping through hoops in school for two and a one-half years and it was summertime. I'd much rather go on holiday!

I starting time attempted to study on Christmas interruption with a book I bought from Kaplan. All the same, it was so dense and overwhelming I didn't make information technology through the first department.  I felt somewhat underprepared by my online education that I felt I needed to start with more of an overview.  The review courses by Amelie Hollier had come recommended to me by a couple preceptors. Then I heard about Sarah Michelle's review courses and debated betwixt the two for a while. I ended upwards using both. The Leik book had also been recommended to me but, again, when I tried to option up a book to study I lost motivation. Beneath is my experience with each of these resources.

APEA course with Amelie Hollier

The Live review class was strongly recommended to me by 1 of my preceptors who had used it herself. I liked the thought of going to a alive iii-twenty-four hours review with other students, like myself, to study and cram for the exam. However, due to COVID-19 the live review course was not being offered at the time. The alternative choices were several on-demand options: video, audio, or MP3 thespian. I was debating between the video and sound options and ultimately decided that I didn't remember the video would exist totally necessary, since you lot can impress off the study guide. I assumed almost pictures you would want to see would exist in the study guide and I think they were. The other reason I chose the audio selection was because you have access for a full year and can mind to it as much as you want. The video option simply allows you to view the videos twice. In hindsight, I really didn't feel the need to get through more than 2 times but I notwithstanding wanted the pick. I was worried that I might get kicked out of a video or have technical trouble and it might use up one of my two times I get to view it.

After listening to all the lectures, you are immune access to two practice quizzes that are most 75 questions each. They were somewhat helpful although one chief criticism I have is that out of all the practice questions I used they were least similar the actual test. And they were worded in the mode Amelie Hollier speaks, rather than how the test will word them. For instance, she repeatedly talks nigh where you might hear sure murmurs and will country you hear a murmur at the "mitral listening point" or "aortic listening point." So some of her questions were, "where would yous hear an aortic murmur?" and the answer is " At the aortic listening bespeak!" Well, duh!! But that nevertheless doesn't tell me where it is and that is certainly not going to be how it's worded on the examination. The test is going to say something like "at the right sternal border in the second intercostal space." So learn that instead.

Overall, this course was a great introductory way to review the information. There was a lot of good information, particularly things that will help you lot in clinical do. And Amelie Holllier has a manner of breaking things down and so you can empathize information technology and she is very animated and then she keeps your attending. She's a really corking teacher! I wasn't as swell on the other instructor that Hollier alternates with, however, who was just less interesting and still made things seem complicated

The main affair I didn't like nearly Hollier's review class is that it wasn't as comprehensive equally I was hoping to have. At the end of each section she had a list of topics for you to study and some of them were non even touched on in the lectures. It kinda felt like she was holding out on me. Yet, she covered the biggest and most important disease topics and then it was notwithstanding a good starting time.

FNP Mastery

This phone app has 1600+ review questions that are similar to the board exam. I used NCLEX Mastery to study for my RN board examination and felt it was disquisitional to my studies so I already felt like this was going to exist a great production. It worked basically the aforementioned equally the NCLEX mastery app, and then y'all could marker questions as you get through every bit ones y'all "know," "don't know" or "partly know." I went through all the adult questions and almost one-half the pediatrics questions and then went through the "don't know" questions over again until I got them correct.

The most important communication I can requite you when using any question fix is Always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS READ THE RATIONALES! This is so important because you learn the concepts backside the questions. Otherwise, you lot are just learning the answer to that question, only the board exam questions won't be exactly the same.

It also actually helps just to practice answering questions so that on the day yous take your test y'all are used to applying the knowledge you accept learned to the question format. One criticism that some have had of the FNP Mastery app is that the questions are harder than the examination. I don't consider that a problem because if y'all can become used to answering harder questions, the examination will seem easier. However, I wouldn't want anyone to become discouraged. Information technology is recommended to score well-nigh 65% on the FNP Mastery questions to guess whether you tin can pass the existent exam.

Sarah Michelle NP Review

Having gone through the Hollier lectures twice, I still felt there were some subjects that were not covered and felt I could use more review. Her courses were recommended to me past a recent graduate and newly practicing NP I met at one of my clinical sites. She had done both Hollier and Sarah Michelle and stated that Sarah Michelle taught more specifically to the exam. I plant this to exist very true. She fifty-fifty gave a lot of hints about how to eliminate certain answer choices and well-nigh the specific wording that would be used to describe many conditions.

I as well liked the Facebook community Sarah Michelle has around her courses and you lot can join that without even purchasing the course. She asks review questions and lots of other students volition post study problems and questions that are helpful as well. In fact, I but had about 3 weeks until my scheduled exam date and I asked the FB group how long it takes to go through her course. Many said it could be washed in 1 calendar week. Yet, I have a very busy schedule with three teenagers at domicile and found that information technology took me the whole three weeks to get through everything.

I should explain that I purchased the comprehensive course she offers which includes the content from iii different review courses she has: the Crash-Class, an in-depth pharmacology review, and an in-depth diagnosis grade. This kind of fabricated information technology repetitive because some of the content was repeated in different courses. Nevertheless, I am glad I purchased the comprehensive course because the crash-grade does not become over much of the pharmacology. And I experience similar information technology is helpful to get data from several different angles, it reinforces your retentivity of the information.

I will acknowledge that the cost of this programme was a factor for me, which is why I retrieve I left it until the terminate. You pay monthly for access to this program and then I wanted to leave it until I had less than one calendar month to my test. I know that seems scary butI retrieve that is why I was using other review materials start and getting some of the basics down. I highly recommend this course though because I felt it covered so much that was on the test and even some of the more obscure conditions that I might have been blind-sided by if I hadn't used her review class.

Finally, The Leik book has been highly recommended for board review. Considering I dearest to find complimentary stuff I found online access to this book through the school library at my employer ( I work at a educational activity hospital). However, I again institute my motivation waning when it came to having read and teach myself. I'1000 certain by now yous've picked up that I chose the lazy way to review for boards – of course my excuse is that my brain is fried from school and that I am thoroughly exhausted from working and raising a family while in school. Have I mentioned that I take three teenagers?

So the only thing I really used this book for was the review questions. I decided to switch it upwards from the FNP Mastery questions and take on questions written from a unlike source. I just did about 300 questions from the Leik book. It started out great because I was getting well-nigh 75% in the beginning but then toward the end my performance was going downwards to 62%. With but a few more days until my examination information technology started to freak me out because it'southward recommended to score around 75% on the Leik questions. I so decided that it wasn't worth getting myself worked up almost and just to accept the exam. At some point, you just have to decide to take the exam and hope for the best.

Simply you might exist asking, How Did I written report?

And then yous know what I used to report merely your side by side question might be how ? Information technology may surprise you that my study habits aren't the near conventional. I accept a super busy life! I am married with three teenagers and they all go to different schools (I take some artistic and gifted kids in special programs). They likewise have activities… soccer, cross country, karate, choir etc. I am also a registered nurse working night shift on the weekends so I can run my kids around all week. At first I studied sporadically, listening to Hollier'due south audios while driving or walking my dog. I don't know your learning style merely listening is non the best ane for me. My ADD causes my mind to drift and I am suddenly lost, wondering what she is talking virtually. So I did attempt to look at the written report guide at least i time through while listening. But sometimes it nevertheless meant looking at information technology while I was waiting in the school option-up line.

And then in the terminal three weeks I felt I really needed to buckle downward but still didn't spend more than 1-2 hours each day studying. I went through Sarah's Crash course while sitting and taking notes. She has a written report guide meant to quiz your knowledge and I did look at the first few sections only then gave that up. About halfway through the pharmacology review I pretty much went back to listening while walking my dog or driving in my automobile. Some of it was review and I felt a lot of the in-depth diagnosis class was more review then information technology worked out fine.

in the bank check out-line at the grocery store,I also did FNP Mastery questions while waiting to pick upward my kids, at the doctors office, and while sitting and watching TV with my married man. I really hit the Leik questions hard in the couple days right before the exam so I had to find time to actually sit at a computer for that. But I started to freak out a little bit and decided not to do too many of those.

Leading upwardly to the exam

When you're exam is just a twenty-four hours away you aren't going to exist able to cram much more into your brain and y'all'll just stress yourself out trying. I suggest doing something relaxing the twenty-four hours earlier your exam. I took a break from studying and watched a picture instead of cramming.

A lot of people recommend having  a "dump canvass" of things you have trouble recalling and reviewing it correct earlier yous become into the exam so yous tin "dump it" on the scrap paper they give you. I think it is a good strategy for a couple reasons. Ane is that sometimes when you lot get nervous you may "describe a blank" and maybe that is once when your dump sheet will be useful. Still, I recollect the more likely scenario is that in practicing writing your dump canvass it will really force you to memorize the info so you won't really demand information technology one time you get in at that place.

I practise recommend getting exercise the morning of your examination. Just also make sure you lot give yourself enough of fourth dimension to become to the testing middle and not feel rushed. Accept your time in the examination. Y'all are given at to the lowest degree iii hours to take the test which is more than enough. Take a suspension if yous need it. Information technology really helped me to recharge my batteries just to use the bathroom and become a drink of water after an hr or and so of testing.

The Bottom Line

Overall, here are my elevation recommendations:

  • I feel the best review course is Sarah Michelle's NP review (If time and money are limited the crash-course will do in a compression but I also propose the pharmacology review)
  • FNP Mastery is the all-time for practice questions
  • Start studying even Earlier clinicals, if possible
  • Practise proficient self intendance – get plenty of rest, eat well, do, spend fourth dimension with loved ones
  • Take a suspension if needed, you deserve information technology!

I really feel that if I can pass this examination, so can you. Y'all got through grad school correct? It was a lot of work but I didn't even feel very prepared by all my grad school courses. And you only need to score about 70% to pass. I brushed up on the main topics with these resources and I fabricated it through. Just call up, you got this!

Categories: Healthcare, Nursing, Careers


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