If a Family Member Tests Positive for Covid

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Guidance for individuals with possible coronavirus infection

Self-isolating when you are asked to is the all-time way to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-xix). It'due south very of import that you stay at home (cocky-isolate) if:

  • yous accept symptoms of coronavirus
  • you've had a positive lateral menses device (LFD) or polymerase concatenation reaction (PCR) test result
  • y'all've been told to self-isolate because yous're a close contact of a positive case

When and how long to cocky-isolate due to coronavirus

Use this guide to find out if you lot need to self-isolate and for how long.

Cocky-assist guide

Return to Symptoms

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What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

The nigh common symptoms are new:

  • continuous cough
  • fever/high temperature (37.8C or greater)
  • loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste (anosmia)

A new continuous cough is where you:

  • have a new cough that's lasted for an hour
  • have had 3 or more episodes of coughing in 24 hours
  • are coughing more than usual

A high temperature is feeling hot to the touch on your breast or back (you don't need to measure out your temperature). Y'all may feel warm, cold or shivery.

Self-isolation if y'all have coronavirus

If you have symptoms, you should self-isolate immediately and volume a PCR exam. If y'all test positive, y'all should cocky-isolate for 10 days from the date your symptoms started.

If yous've had a positive PCR or LFD examination upshot simply no symptoms, you should cocky-isolate for 10 days from the date of your exam. You may keep to develop symptoms over the next few days, but you lot don't need a confirmatory PCR examination, unless brash past a clinician, and you don't need to re-showtime your isolation period. If you lot develop whatsoever of the main symptoms of coronavirus and yous are concerned, or your symptoms are worsening, telephone 111 or speak to your GP. In an emergency telephone 999.

You may yet have a cough or loss of, or change in, sense of olfactory property or taste for several weeks. People with symptoms are very unlikely to infect others afterwards the tenth day of illness. Once you've completed your 10 twenty-four hours self-isolation, y'all tin can return to work and your usual activities (regardless of your LFD result) as long every bit you feel ameliorate and do non have a high temperature. You lot must go on to follow the Scottish Authorities's coronavirus advice.

Catastrophe self-isolation early

You lot may be able to terminate self-isolation early if you have ii negative LFD test results in a row from solar day 6 onwards, taken 24 hours apart. For example, a negative LFD test result on solar day vi and 7, mean solar day seven and viii, or solar day 8 and nine. You should report your LFD examination result after taking each examination, regardless of the effect. To be able to end self-isolation, you should also make sure yous:

  • practise not take a high temperature
  • follow the guidance for staying prophylactic when you've ended self-isolation

Y'all should not accept an LFD examination before solar day 6 of your cocky-isolation period.

You should merely finish self-isolation later two negative LFD test results in a row.

This guidance applies regardless of historic period, vaccination condition or previous infection.

If you go on to test positive on LFD tests, or choose not to take LFD tests to end self-isolation early, yous tin return to work and your usual activities on the 11th day later your symptoms started, every bit long as you experience ameliorate and do non have a high temperature.

If y'all're still testing positive during a period of isolation and, rightly, reporting the positive test results, you may receive repeated isolation information from Test and Protect. You should not restart your isolation menses, instead, you should continue to follow the advice you received following your first positive test.

Back up available

If yous're told to self-isolate by Test and Protect you may be eligible for a £500 Self-Isolation Back up Grant. If you lot take tested positive on a LFD exam, you need a confirmatory positive PCR test result to apply for the grant.

Book a PCR exam

National Assistance Helpline

If your friends or family are not able to help, phone the National Aid Helpline (0800 111 4000).

This helpline is but for those who have to stay at dwelling but tin't go the help they demand through friends or family.

If you lot've tested positive in the last 28 days

If you've tested positive, you should break routine LFD testing for 28 days afterwards self-isolating. Count the 28 days from the day your symptoms started, or the appointment of your positive test if yous didn't accept symptoms. If you're identified equally a close contact during this time, y'all exercise not need to test or cocky-isolate every bit long as y'all exercise non accept any new symptoms, regardless of vaccination status. If you do develop new symptoms, self-isolate and volume a PCR test.

Self-isolation if you're a close contact

Yous may exist a shut contact if you:

  • alive with someone who has tested positive – for example you slumber in the same home or live in shared accommodation like university halls
  • have spent viii hours or more in the domicile of the person who has tested positive during their infectious period – for instance a sleepover
  • are a cleaner (not using PPE) who cleans the home of the person who has tested positive, fifty-fifty if you did non spend fourth dimension with them
  • accept had face-to-face up contact less than 1 metre apart from the person who has tested positive for any length of time
  • have had whatever contact less than 1 metre apart from the person who tested positive for 1 minute or longer
  • have been within 2 metres of the person who tested positive for more than fifteen minutes
  • car-shared with the person who tested positive

If you live with someone who tests positive, you should follow the guidance for shut contacts from when their symptoms started, or from when they tested positive if they don't accept symptoms.

If y'all're not sure if yous're a close contact, or if you need advice virtually close contacts, y'all tin can call the National Contact Tracing Center on 0800 030 8012. Interpreter services and contactScotland-BSL are bachelor.

The infectious menses is whatsoever time from ii days earlier whatsoever one of the three main symptoms starts and up to 10 days later. If the person who tested positive does non have symptoms, their shut contacts are counted from ii days earlier the date of their positive examination and up to 10 days after.

Close contacts who are fully vaccinated

If you're a close contact who is fully vaccinated, you can take daily LFD tests instead of cocky-isolating. Fully vaccinated means you've received 3 doses of an approved vaccine  at least 14 days before you concluding saw the person who tested positive. If you alive with the person who tested positive, the 14 days is counted from the day their symptoms started, or 14 days earlier they tested positive if they don't have symptoms. The daily LFD tests should be taken for 7 days in a row or until the end of your 10 24-hour interval self-isolation period, whichever is soonest.

Every bit a close contact, if you develop the main symptoms of coronavirus you should immediately self-isolate and volume a PCR examination. If this is negative keep to take daily LFD tests for 7 days or the duration of your self-isolation flow which e'er is soonest. If this is positive and then y'all need to cocky-isolate for 10 days from when your symptoms started. You may be able to stop self-isolation early on.

If any of your LFD tests are positive, you should self-isolate for x days from the appointment of your positive test result. You do non need to book a follow-up PCR exam to confirm your positive LFD result.

Close contacts who are not fully vaccinated

If yous're a close contact who is not fully vaccinated, you should cocky-isolate for 10 days and book a PCR test. Even if your test result is negative, you should complete the 10 day self-isolation.

If you've had a positive PCR exam result in the final 90 days, you lot practise not need to book another PCR test unless you develop new symptoms.

If you cannot exist vaccinated for medical reasons, you should follow the guidance for close contacts who are fully vaccinated.

If you're taking part in a registered clinical vaccine trial which means you cannot be fully vaccinated, you can follow the guidance for fully vaccinated close contacts.

Shut contacts anile under xviii years and iv months

Close contacts aged under 18 years and four months tin have daily LFD tests instead of cocky-isolating. The daily LFD tests should be taken for 7 days in a row or until the end of your x day self-isolation period, whichever is soonest.

As a close contact, if y'all develop the main symptoms of coronavirus you should immediately self-isolate and book a PCR examination. If this is negative continue to take daily LFD tests for 7 days or the duration of your cocky-isolation menstruation which e'er is soonest. If this is positive so you need to self-isolate for x days from when your symptoms started. You may be able to end self-isolation early.

If any of your LFD tests are positive, you should self-isolate for x days from the engagement of your positive test result. You do not need to book a follow-upward PCR examination to ostend your positive LFD result.

'Low take chances' contacts anile under 18 years and four months

You may receive a notification to tell you that you or your child is a 'low risk' contact. Notifications are usually sent by schools or nurseries to children who have shared a classroom with someone who has tested positive.

Depression gamble contacts do not need to self-isolate, volume a PCR test or accept daily LFD tests. They should follow the advice in the notification to accept extra precautions, including regular LFD testing.

Children under v

Children under 5 who are close contacts do not demand to self-isolate or take daily LFD tests, simply are recommended to accept a examination.

If the child nether 5 has symptoms or develops symptoms then they should take a PCR test.

If you lot're unable to take LFD tests for a medical reason

If you or someone you care for is identified as a contact but take been advised by a medical professional that y'all or they are unable to do accept LFD tests for a medical reason, this should exist discussed with Test and Protect when they contact you.

Staying safe if you've ended self-isolation

If yous're someone who can stop cocky-isolation, yous should:

  • limit close contact with other people outside your household, specially in enclosed spaces, for 10 days
  • vesture a face roofing in enclosed spaces and where you cannot maintain physical distancing
  • limit contact with anyone who is at highest risk for 10 days
  • non visit people in care homes, hospitals, prisons or other detention centres for ten days, unless essential and agreed with staff in accelerate
  • continue to take part in twice weekly lateral flow device (LFD) testing subsequently the ten days

If you've tested positive, count the 10 days from the date your symptoms started, or the date of your test if you practise not have symptoms. If you're a close contact, count the ten days from the appointment of your last contact with the positive instance.

How to self-isolate


  • inquire others for assist to make sure you can stay at domicile
  • inquire your employer, friends or family to help you become the things y'all need
  • stay at least 2 metres (about three steps) away from other people in your home whenever possible
  • sleep lone if possible
  • wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds regularly
  • stay abroad from the elderly and those with underlying health conditions every bit much as possible
  • consider whether older people and those with underlying health weather can stay in another house while y'all need to stay at habitation
  • contact carers to tell them y'all're cocky-isolating so they can follow the correct procedures to prevent spread of the infection
  • go along in touch on with friends and family by phone or through social media
  • postpone any non-essential healthcare appointments – for instance medical, dental or optician appointments

Cocky-isolation means you should stay at dwelling. You shouldn't go to work, school, public areas or use public transport. You shouldn't go out to buy nutrient or other essentials.

Avoid shut contact with others by:

  • not having visitors
  • not using taxis or public transport
  • asking a friend or neighbour to get your shopping or arranging for a delivery to be left at your door
  • not sharing towels, clothes, toothbrushes or razors

What you lot can do to help yourself get meliorate

Read our communication on treating coronavirus symptoms at home

Wash your hands regularly

Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds regularly. This will help protect yous and others around y'all from passing on whatever infection. You tin also use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser if your hands aren't visibly dirty.

Dry your hands using a dissever towel from other people.

Avoid touching your eyes, olfactory organ and oral fissure.

Cover your coughs and sneezes

Encompass your nose and mouth with disposable tissues when you cough or sneeze. If you lot don't accept a tissue, cough into the crook of your elbow and not in your manus.

Dispose of your tissues in a disposable rubbish bag and wash your easily immediately with soap and water or use a hand sanitiser.

Stay away from others

Separate yourself from other people in your habitation and keep the door closed. If you tin't stay in a separate room, endeavor to stay ii metres (iii steps) away from the other people.

Stay in a well-ventilated room with a window that tin be opened. Endeavour to go on the window open up as much as possible to assistance with ventilation and air flow. This will assist to keep clean air moving through your room.

Each person should:

  • sleep in a dissimilar bed where possible
  • use their own toothbrushes, towels, linen, cups, plates, bowls and cutlery
  • accept meals to their ain room to eat

Shared living spaces

Spend as niggling time as possible in your kitchen, bathrooms and sitting areas and keep these areas well ventilated. This is especially of import if yous, or your family members, are at higher take chances.

If you lot tin, use a separate bathroom from the balance of the household. If you share a kitchen, avert using it while others are present.

If you share a toilet and bathroom wipe any surfaces you come in contact with and clean it after every use.

Utilize a dishwasher if you have one. If yous don't have a dishwasher, wash your plates and cutlery using washing up liquid and warm h2o. And then dry them thoroughly with a split tea towel.

Collecting shopping and prescriptions

If possible, ask a friend or family unit fellow member to run errands on your behalf. For example buying groceries, picking up prescriptions or walking your dog.

You can also order your shopping online, but ask them to leave items outside or past your front door. The delivery driver should not come into your abode.

Pharmacies tin oftentimes conform to deliver repeat prescriptions if you run out while y'all remain at home. Other people can collect a prescription on your behalf.

Cleaning products

Clean all surfaces every day with a household cleaner that's active against viruses and bacteria. Pay special attending to frequently touched areas. Usual household products like detergents and bleach are effective.

Wash your hands with soap and water after cleaning surfaces and handling wear and bedding.

Waste disposal

You can put personal waste (such as used tissues) and disposable cleaning cloths in disposable rubbish bags. These should be:

  • placed into another bag
  • tied securely
  • kept divide from other waste in your room
  • put aside for at to the lowest degree 72 hours before existence put in your usual external household waste bin

Other household waste matter can be disposed of as normal.


Don't shake muddied laundry as this can spread the virus through the air.

Wash laundry using the highest temperature setting on the characterization. Where possible, wash laundry separately from other people living in your household.

If y'all don't have a washing machine, wait a further 3 days after your cocky-isolation period has ended to take your laundry to a launderette.

If you alive with someone at higher risk

Family members at higher hazard should spend as little time every bit possible in shared spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms and sitting areas. You should keep these spaces well ventilated.

The person at higher risk should, where possible:

  • keep ii metres (3 steps) abroad from you and others in your household
  • sleep in a different bed
  • use a split bathroom from the residuum of the household
  • use separate towels from the other people in your house
  • take their meals back to their room to eat

The rest of the household should:

  • clean any shared toilets and bathrooms every time you utilize them, for example wiping surfaces you take come into contact with
  • consider cartoon upwards a rota for bathing, with the higher chance person using the facilities first
  • avoid using the kitchen while they are present.
  • apply a dishwasher to clean and dry the family unit's used crockery and cutlery
  • launder them using your usual washing up liquid and warm water if y'all don't take a dishwasher
  • dry all crockery and cutlery thoroughly, and use a separate tea towel if the college risk person is using their own utensils

If you alive with a college hazard person and it'due south not possible to physically altitude from them, telephone the National Help Helpline (0800 111 4000) to discuss your needs.

Belatedly stages of pregnancy

If you call back y'all're in labour, phone your maternity unit and tell them yous call up y'all're in labour but have been self-isolating. They'll be able to advise you what to do next.

Nosotros have more detailed coronavirus guidance for people who are pregnant


Read our communication on breastfeeding if you have coronavirus

Face up masks

If you have a carer who visits your dwelling house, they demand to wear protective equipment to reduce the risk of infection. It's recommended you wear a face mask as well.

If necessary, your local carer's heart tin can provide protective equipment to your carer.

Find a carer eye in your area


Source: https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19/test-and-protect/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-for-individuals-with-possible-coronavirus-infection

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